Bulbs Still NOT Planted, Now What?

It’s February. It may still be cold, but the days are getting longer. You’ve been hibernating from the cold and the ground is still frozen. BUT, every time you enter your garage or basement, they’re there, making you feel guilty. The UNPLANTE BULBS!

Did you waste your money? Should you throw them away? Should you plant them next fall? What should you do? Good thing you are here with me. I have a few suggestions on how to help you salvage those unplanted bulbs. Here are a few pieces pf information that you should know about tulip bulbs to help you be successful.


  • a cooling period of 13-18 weeks (50 degrees or below)

  • time to grow roots around 40 degrees

  • consistent water supply


Instead of planting your bulbs in the rock hard ground in the middle of winter, you can plant them in containers. Go and grab the following supplies and your ready to go!



-pots with drainage holes

-potting soil




Place 3 inches of soil in a pot and plant the bulbs, tip up, close to each other, but not touching. Cover with 1-2 inches of soil and water in well. Let it drain for a bit and cover with plastic wrap to keep it from drying out. Then, place the pots in a cool area like your garage or an older fridge that doesn’t have fruits or veggies in it. (Fruits and veggies give off a gas that will destroy your bulbs). Once the bulbs begin to sprout, remove the plastic wrap and keep moist. When the weather begins to warm up in April, you can place them outside in decorative containers on your porch and enjoy them blooming this spring!

Be sure to let me know how it goes and if you have any questions! I’m excited to see what you create!

Love, Jen